Understanding Intellectual Property and Innovation

To create a dynamic, open environment that encourages creative thinking, innovative ideas, and challenges staff to meet their optimal levels of success.

To create a harmonious balance between work and family life.… Our partners are reservoirs of talent & professionalism focusing on highest quality standard for themselves. Partner constantly attend professional seminars/workshops in order to strengthen their specialized knowledge in various core areas of services.

Asia Pacific Tax Solutions Mission

A trademark is a unique mark or sign representing you, your company, your products or the services that you provide and distinctive in nature, which distinguishes it from one firm to another and thus building a reputation. You can describe your business in a number of ways; it can be in your company name, brand name, label, product name, logo, tagline, and domain names. It is necessary that all the intellectual property rights of your company, including trademarks, should be established and secured as IPR is the oil of the 21st century.


A trademark is a unique mark or sign representing you, your company, your products or the services that you provide and distinctive in nature, which distinguishes it from one firm to another and thus building a reputation. You can describe your business in a number of ways; it can be in your company name, brand name, label, product name, logo, tagline, and domain names. It is necessary that all the intellectual property rights of your company, including trademarks, should be established and secured as IPR is the oil of the 21st century.

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Asia Pacific Tax Solutions Mission

Patent means a new invention in form of device/article or process of production. It should be invented and a novel one. Such patents are protected under the Patents Act, 1970. “A Patent is an intellectual property relating to invention and is the grant of exclusive right, for limited period, provided by the Government to the patentee, in exchange of full disclosure of his invention, for excluding others, from making, using, selling, importing the patented product or process producing that product for those purposes”. In simpler terms, a patent is an intellectual property that one claim as their own and can use it for their own purpose. If anyone wishes to use someone’s patent then they need to pay one royalty or one can even sell their patent.


Ever wondered what fashion designers or product designers do to safeguard their design? The answer is simple they get their Design protected under the Design Act 2000. Now, not everything can be registered under the Design Act, according to Design Act a Design refers to any article in two or three dimensional forms (or both) which comprises the features of shapes, patters, ornamentation or composition of colours and lines such as cutlery, dress, rocking chair, bottle, apple I-pod etc. The important purpose of design Registration is to see that the creator, originator of a design having aesthetic which is not dispossessed of his bonafide reward by others applying it to their goods.

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